Hello darlings, while
sitting in my space and enjoying my time on the internet reading articles and
other bloggers page my ears stumbled upon a conversation between two people in
my office. Yea I run a day job from 8.am to 5.pm. It all had to do with what kind of news travels
faster, bad news or good news. I sat
down there thinking and imagining it and I realized one thing and that is
the fact, that bad news does travel faster. Within me, I began to imagine why
that is and why is it that we always wait for our next-door neighbor to make a
mistake or fall so that we can carry it to the next person. Why is it that we
find it hard to be happy for the person beside us. I have seen many
situations like this and I am like "why"? Is it necessary? Is it
worth it? As colleagues in my office
were discussing about the success of a 7- day trip which they embarked on,
a certain man who didn't go with them was wishing them success and said,
"let's thank God for journey mercies and nothing bad happened because
I know that if something happens the
whole office will hear about it"? Within me, I was like "chai".
My dears lets be happy for people around us, lets
appreciate ourselves and not forget where we can meet tomorrow life is too
short for cheap gossips and bickering, thereby waiting for another man’s'
downfall to occur. Please let us put ourselves in other peoples’ situation
before jumping into conclusion. Let love and positivity rule your heart, relate
with people open-mindedly and avoid backstabbing them. Let us share peace; bad
news brings nothing but hurt, heartbreak, hypertension, distrust and so many
other vices. That is why our English people want to give an information they
would ask “bad news or the good news” and the recipient would reply would
reply “the bad news” first because they know the bad news is just a
stepping stone to the good news. This world would be a better place if only we
can all live in togetherness, like I said earlier life is too short and let’s
make the best of it; forgive those who have offended you, let go of that
hurtful past and see how changed your life would be, enjoy!